Wonder Pigs

There are some animals that "just get it". They seem to understand, or even read your mind when you work with them. I have been blessed with a few of these animals in my life time. Working with "The Three Little Pigs" has lead me to believe that Matey is such an animal. I brought them home on March 29, 2011, let them settle in a bit before starting real training and by April 15th Matey knows and knows well four pieces of Agility Equipment, the Tire Jump, the Teeter Totter, the PVC Open Tunnel and the Bar Jump. Those, as of April 15, are the only pieces he has been introduced to. He also Knows and Knows well "Circle" and he comes to me when called by name. I started him on the Little Piano on April 15th and he got it right away. By the second section on the same day, he knew just what to do for the carrot treat. Wonder Pig I call him. Wonder Pig.

I have worked with Matey the same as Captain and Damsel. I have trained in the same area, the same tasks, the same way. Captain and Damsel are, as of April 15th, just now starting to jump through the Agility Piece Tire Jump. They will each come up the Teeter Totter, but not without much coaxing. They both will "Circle", but it is still more of a walk through then a trick. Are they stupid? NO! It takes a while for most animals to understand. To gain the confidence to preform a task without hesitation. It takes animals a bit of time to absorb all that we are teaching. To remember each time. To, in fact, learn our language, both words and body movements as well as cues we give them.

The contents of this page for Wonder Pigs is still under construction. Please check back later!

-- The Guinea Pig Agility Team
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 12:33:23 -0400

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