About Us

When I was about 14 years old a friend and I were out riding our horses and while riding down this street in Kirkwood, Mo (St. Louis, county) we saw all these people carrying Guinea Pigs....so we asked. There was a family that had a Large Sign in their front yard "FREE GUINEA PIGS". They had this big portable pen in their back yard full of Guinea Pigs. We each picked out a Guinea Pig, mounted up and headed home. I am not sure who was more surprised, the people that had the Guinea Pigs when we came riding up on horses, or our parents when we rode home the 3 miles with the new pets. I was very lucky in that my parents allowed me to bring home animals and keep them...for the most part. My beautiful, tri colored, American female GP gave birth about two weeks after I bought her home. So I had five GPs and loved them.
I have owned, bred, trained, loved GPs off and on for all those years since then. I have owned "show quality" GPs but never showed them (but did rabbits).
Then came Deron. Deron and I are both animal lovers and trainers. We own many types of animals. When I told Deron back in 2002 that I wanted to train a Pet Fancy Rat to run an Agility course, out came the pencil and paper so that we could figure out how small to make the equipment to be the correct size. He calculated and came up with what I think is adorable replicas of what one might use for Dog Agility. Shortly after that he was building me Rabbit Agility Equipment. I made my own Hamster, Gerbil and Mouse Equipment, but when I started the GPs, Deron was building again. He had already built my Dog Agility Equipment and since then Agility Equipment for our Goats (see our sister sites at the left under the Navigation).
When did I start dressing my Guinea Pigs in Outfits and Costumes? Who knows! But it sure is fun. People get a kick out of the little animals dressed and you should see the attention they get at "Pet Costume" contests at pet Stores!
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-- The Guinea Pig Agility Team Fri, 11 Mar 2011 13:47:00 -0500